It's New Orleans Happy Hour


What happens when 2 musicians and a life coach walk into a New Orleans bar? Listen and find out! Friends, I've been invited to be a guest on the podcast "It's New Orleans Happy Hour" tomorrow/ Wednesday here in New Orleans. I have no idea where the conversation will go, but I expect I'll be explaining what a life coach does, spiritual psychology and why I think Mardi Gras is a spiritual experience! We'll be streaming live tomorrow on FB, Wednesday, June 7 4-5:00pm CENTRAL.

Veronica Alweiss is a life coach. If you’ve ever wondered exactly what that is and why you might need one, well, everybody’s doing it. Even the super cool, super successful folks at Facebook, who are Veronica’s clients. Veronica solves the same questions in this conversation that she solves for the big shots at FB: why are we here and what would we like to leave behind? Along with the mirth, smart ass responses, the beer and cocktails, there are some pretty interesting answers to these questions from this happy hour gathering.


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